Pin Transfer of Solder Paste and Pick & Place of components on PCB
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- On 17. March 2021
The process in Vid. 1 is conducted on a standard machine using standard components of the OurPlant platform and comprises several steps for assembling dies and SMD components on a PCB.
The system is equipped with Direct Dispensing Unit (DDU) for processing pin transfer as well as areal application of solder paste on the component´s subside. In the video are shown various steps from pin transfer through standard pick & place to the direct dispensing process.
The pin transfer is roughly a stamping process. So, in case of the pin transfer a tool transfer solder paste on the PCB. After dispensing solder paste on the pads of the PCB, SMD parts are picked up from a Waffle Pack and subsequently placed on the substrate. The smallest SMD component has a size of 0.3 mm x 0.3 mm. There are also tool changing units inside the working area, which can host different tools for pin transfer and pick & place purposes.
Larger components can be applied using direct dispensing capabilities of the DDU. Therefore the component is dipped into a reservoir of solder paste provided by the DDU.