Process development
in microassembly
Machines and modules
Price information and
product information.
Technology in a nutshell. With the compact tabletop system, you can implement partially automated processes. The perfect support for testing, developing and validating your products.

over 100 are available for selection
Over 100 independent function modules enable easy configurability
and high flexibility of the production systems.
Micro assembly machine concept
Configure your customized micro assembly system
with instant price information.
How it works:
Select base plant
Select a suitable basic system for process development, prototype production, series production or large-scale production according to your needs. As soon as you have found one, please add it to the selection list.
Select suitable modules
Select the right modules for your process in the module view. The comparison function gives you a better overview of individual product features. The categorization into dispensing systems, placement systems, inspection systems, material feed and measuring systems also helps you with the selection. Please add all required modules to the selection list.
Add accessories
Finally, add suitable accessories to your selection list. Don't worry if you are not yet familiar with all products and modules. Your selection list is the basis for our first conversation and is not binding. Of course, we will discuss this list with you and adapt it specifically to your needs. Our technical sales team will be happy to support you at any time.
Download selection
Now you can download your selection list and send it to us if you want. You already have a rough price of your specially configured machine. The best starting point for further discussions with you internally and in communication with our experts.

We are happy to advise you
Would you like to learn more about our company and our services? Do you need information on a specific topic? Or do you have an individual question? Don’t hesitate to contact us.